CROWS: An Egg-to-Sky Story Giveaway Winner!

Karin Patton is my Crows: An Egg-to-Sky Story Giveaway Winner! Congratulations, Karin! I have reached out to you in an email and will send you an autographed copy.

Thanks to everyone who entered with their crow stories. It is so interesting to learn about these amazing birds from interested birdwatcher reports from all over. I have learned from this giveaway that they like to eat Braunschweiger (thanks, Karin!) as well as peanuts and stale peanut butter cookies. I have heard from people who have received gifts from crows, including hairpins, buttons, coins, screws and washers. I heard a great story about a crow that took a five dollar bill out of a dropped wallet! I have heard that crows develop relationships with pets and play with them through a window or interact with them in the yard. Everything I hear about these complicated animals just enchants me further.

Crows: An Egg-to-Sky Story is available where books are sold: Your favorite Independent bookstore, Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

Crows: An Egg-to-Sky Story

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