GIVEAWAY! A Museum Visit Giveaway Because I Miss Visiting Museums

I miss museums! I want to wander in them and draw, think, watch people looking at art. I want to get lost in learning about a time or place: I want to dive into the detail of Mughal period miniatures, walk along the length of a chinese scroll painting. I want to sit at the big round table in the Japanese wing of the Met and listen to the water fountain. I miss far reaching retrospectives, generations-sweeping looks at science doodads and inventions, or clothing, or musical instruments. I want to go look at the dollhouse at the City Museum of New York. I miss pottering around any museum and thinking about art making and all of its wonderful hopefulness.

Because I miss museums and assume you do too, I am giving away a copy of MUSEUM VISIT: A Color, Punch Out and Play Set. All you have to do to be entered in a drawing to win the set is tell me in the comments below or on facebook what you miss most about museums (or tell me what your favorite one is, what painting or object you go visit with is). (The giveaway is limited to folks who live in the United States (sorry!!!)) Then I will put all your names into a hat (well, actually, an on-line randomized drawing thing) and draw one name on SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 and send that lucky duck a set to play with. Then you can visit your own museum, into an exhibit you have curated (and colored!) yourself! The set is gorgeously printed by @Pomegranate Publishing for Pomegranate Kids.

If you win the drawing, you’ll get a folding play set with three galleries to set up and color, 8 cardstock pages of art and natural history objects to punch out, color and set up (they have little stands) in the galleries, plus a booklet with tips on curating your own exhibit. AND, as a special gift to the winner of the drawing, I will send you two paper museum goers that you can cut out, color, and send to the museum you set up.

There are some great online museums to go visit, collections from all over the world that have been put on line for you to wander through. Here’s a Travel and Leisure article with some links:

And to buy a copy of Museum Visit, go to: Amazonasaurus:

or Pomegranate Publishing:


GIVEAWAY! A Museum Visit Giveaway Because I Miss Visiting Museums — 17 Comments

  1. I miss the special glowing feeling that I would have when I left after a visit to any museum. If the visit was planned for a special exhibit, I would go to it, but I would also wander and drift thru the galleries and learn something in addition to what I went there for in the first place. I am really looking forward to returning when it is safe to do so and experience that glow again.

    • I know what you mean! I think that glow is a kind of rocket fuel for the mind–it fills up the tank and is ready to draw on. I can’t wait to go back.

  2. The last museum show I saw before Covid was Vija Celmins at the Met Breuer – it was so nourishing and healing on a lot of levels – I didn’t want to leave. I miss being able to pop into amuseum on a whim and be transported out of my own head.

    • That was the most fantastic exhibit, I agree. There was a sense of determined, infinite patience in that work that buoyed me up.

  3. I miss the scale of museums, the architecture of the buildings, as well as the highly knowledgeable guides. I miss wander through the halls filled with ancient egyptian jewelry at the MET, as well as the beautiful gardens at the Cloisters. I don’t feel ready to go back into a museum yet, but as soon as I know it’s truly safe, I can’t wait to visit.

    • Me, too! I especially love going to the Cloisters during a snow storm–to sit there in the sun by the orange trees and narcissus, and think and draw, no one is there–that’s the best.

  4. I really miss the silence and all the colors, the history, ability to travel with the experience of another person’s post of view. Part of my background is a love for theater and story telling, For me a visit to a museum allows an experience of story telling or theater to take place.

    • I love the silence, too. I love to go to the most remote corners of a museum and look at the less popular exhibits just to get that feeling of timeless quiet.

  5. I miss the Morgan, my favorite! I always visit to see a particular exhibit but end up wandering through the other exhibits as well. I love the surprise of something new and just being in this gorgeous building devoted to books and illustration!

    • Boy, me too. I love that museum. I could live in that library, and always find something there that surprises and delights–something I had not gone there to see but ended up being so important to me.

  6. Although I loved seeing the museums when I lived in New York City, I miss going to the Museum of Musical Instruments in Phoenix, AZ. They have musical instruments, art and costumes from all over the world. You would learn about then culture of each country while looking at the unique instruments. They would also have recordings. You could spend hours there.

    • !!! I have not been there nor heard of it, but will definitely go there. I was surprised and touched by the recent show of famous guitars at the Met. They were beautiful and had a lot of presence.

  7. Arriving early, staying as late as we can, time to watch all of the art in its movement – sunshine, shadow, lamps, picking favorites, being shocked, underwhelmed, finding artists we know, amazed at what is considered art, and others that are just so heart-aching *there*, as well as those that are such an example of science as art – water under strobe, fossils, keva blocks. Planetarium news and views and amazing thoughts that only arise when the mastodon is towering over you. We miss them all.

    • You won! And I love your comment–made me long for a wonderful, totally immersive museum day, too. I hear the Met is newly re-opened, with timed entry tickets…

  8. Hello future museum goers! I am happy to announce the results of the MUSEUM VISIT: A Color, Punch Out and Play Set Giveaway Drawing is Michele! I will be sending you an email to get your snail mail address. Congratulations!!

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